August 10, 2023

ANC calls youth league to order over minister Nxesi remarks

Collen Malatji has called Thulas Nxesi the minister of unemployment

The African National Congress (ANC) has called on its youth league leader to behave after he called for Minister for Employment and Labour, Thulas Nxesi to be removed from his post. ANCYL president Collen Malatji called for all non-performing ministers to be removed to give young leaders a chance. Malatji said this during his closing address of the second leg of their conference on Saturday. 


Malatji said the youth league will no longer delegate the responsibility to pensioners. "The responsibility to take this country forward is upon us, but you cannot do that if you have no solutions,' he said. He accused Nxesi of being the minister of unemployment. "That Thulas Nxesi, he is the minister of employment but it appears like he is the minister of unemployment, I don't know when we are removing him but it's an urgent matter," he said. The mother body said in a statement that they have noted Malatji's comments directed at Nxesi, an ANC deployee. "The Youth League represents a strong body of opinion within our organisation and society towards the fulfilment of its twin tasks, that of advancing the ideals of a democratic society and the development of young people," ANC said in a statement. The ruling party further said that whilst they encourage the youth league to robustly and outspokenly pursue the interests of young people, they urge that this should be done without belittling personalities.


The ANC said whilst they encourage an analysis of many issues confronting South Africans, they do not encourage insults on employees. "As a liberation movement, any critical thought should be premised on substantive analysis and solution-based thinking. As such, the ANC takes exception to the utterances by the youth league on Cde Thulas Nxesi," the statement concluded. ZiMoja reported that Malatji also threatened to get other non-performing ministers removed. "We are not going to have people who are sleeping there. We must not allow a man called Ibrahim Patel (Minister of Trade and Industry) to stop the projects of re-industrialization because ANC has long resolved that we must re-industrialise. That Patel there in that Department of Trade and Industry all he does is to allow his friends to continue to steal from this country but not resolve the problems of this country," he said. He called for President Cyril Ramaphosa to remove Patel and get someone from the youth league to replace him. 

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